Let's Cook with Meg and Ted

Indonesian stirfry marinade

This is a very basic recipe- the only reason I'm putting it in here is that it took me 25 years to discover Indonesian soy sauce, and I've become a tad evangelical about it.

Indonesian soy sauce, a.k.a. kecap manis, ketjap manis, etc
crushed garlic
crushed red chillies
fresh ginger, grated

Use lots of each ingredient!

Chop your tofu and marinate it for 20+ minutes in appropriate quantities of the above marinade. I suppose you could probably use it for meat as well - if you were into that kind of thing.

Use this marinated tofu in a stir fry with your choice of broccoli, beans, carrots, snow peas, mushrooms, capsicum, boc choy, etc etc, plus extra chilli, garlic and kecap manis. Serve with rice or noodles.

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